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Lake Garfield Working Group Meeting Minutes 12/12/16
12/12 Meeting Minutes -Lake Garfield Town Working Group (LGWG)

In attendance:
Steve Weisz, Town of Monterey Select Board
Dominic Stucker, Town of Monterey Conservation Commission
Greg Carnese, Friends of Lake Garfield
Michael Germain, Friends of Lake Garfield
Richard Jaffe, Friends of Lake Garfield (first alternate)
Steven Snyder, Monterey resident
Alice Berke, Monterey resident
Eric Danforth, Monterey resident
Roy Carwile, Monterey resident

Meeting Overview:
  • Review and submittal of previous meeting (11/14) minutes
  • Established working agenda for meeting:
  • Discussion of contractor for 601B grant for lake water survey
  • Mission clarification & goals
  • Strategic planning/timeline
  • Exploring avenues for public engagement
  • Agenda for next meeting
  • Contractor – discussed potential alternative contractors to Dr. Ken Wagner and the potential for future partnership with local educational institutions as we continue to survey and study the lake. Determined that Dr. Ken Wagner would be the best fit for fulfilling the services funded by the grant in question and that the LGWG will recommend this to the Select Board.
  • Mission – discussed the language of the mission statement established by the Select Board as it pertains to the group’s ability to act in furtherance of it. Decided to draft an addendum to the mission statement for submittal to the Select Board that further clarifies our role and understanding of our mission. Dominic Stucker to produce this draft and submit to SB.
  • Strategic Planning/Timeline – In preparation for producing an NOI to be submitted for action in the early Spring, the primary agenda item of the next meeting (1/9/17) will be an in-depth discussion of the various factors and techniques used in e.milfoil remediation that we have researched thus far: milfoil weevils, hand-pulling, use of herbicides, winter drawdown, benthic barriers, and suction harvesting.
  • Public Engagement – Discussed potential for making all LGWG documents public through use of a Dropbox accessible via computers located at the town library. Also discussed potential for public forums to better inform the public on issues regarding lake health and sustainability.
  • Next Meeting – Establish recommendations for NOI